Privacy Policy
bikehappy complies with current GDPR legislation.
If you register on our site, email us, or telephone us to find out more information, or book a course directly on our site, the details you submit are only used to provide the information and services you have requested.
We may occasionally update you on bikehappy news and offers via marketing materials sent by email to the email address you have provided. You will have the option to opt out of future correspondence by pressing the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the email.
We are committed to keeping the personal information you provide to us secure and we will take reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from loss, misuse or alteration.
We do not sell your personal information for any purpose. We do not pass on your details to anyone else unless required to do so by law.
Cookie Policy
Like many websites, bikehappy uses a session cookie. It is used to remember any preferences set and to provide analytics of the site visit.
If you do not wish the session cookie to be set, you can disable cookies in your browser. Most browsers give you the choice of:
Accepting all cookies
Blocking all cookies
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Third party sites are sites that are not directly controlled by the site that you are on. These include social media links.
Copyright Information
The contents of this website (including [but not limited to] the copy, images, videos and layout) is the copyright of bikehappy Cycle Training. Unlawful duplication is prohibited. All rights reserved.